MembershipConsumer Control, Voting, and MembershipThe Independent Living Center of the North Shore and Cape Ann, Inc. is a service and advocacy organization run by and for people with disabilities. ILCNSCA supports the struggle of people who have all types of disabilities to live independently and participate fully in community life. Persons who receive our services are called consumers. Consumers choose what services they want from ILCNSCA and they determine what, how and when to reach their independent living goals. Consumer Control is the driving force in the Independent Living Movement. Consumer Control is tied to the same concepts of self-reliance and self-determination that are essential for all adults in our society. Whether disabled or not, people want and need to exert control over their own lives. When individuals have a sense of personal rights, autonomy, they also have the confidence to act on those rights. Congress in its passage of Title 7 of the Rehabilitation Services Act with input from the National Council on Independent Living (NCIL) has defined core principles and services for all Independent Living Centers (ILC's) as a basis of operation. By setting these standards for ILC's Congress has guaranteed that all ILC's including the Independent Living Center of the North Shore and Cape Ann (ILCNSCA) adhere to and uphold consumer control and it's philosophy. THE KEY ELEMENTS OF CONSUMER CONTROL ARE:
The consumer control philosophy which ILCNSCA practices is as follows:
Voting Members Ensure Consumer Control
Non-Voting Members
As with all voting opportunities, it is each of our responsibility and right to vote in an organization or government that upholds democracy and voting. ILCNSCA encourages all to vote in our local, statewide and national elections as well as to be active in the ILCNSCA elections at our annual meeting each October. If you need assistance to register to vote in statewide and national elections, ILCNSCA can assist you in completion of required registration to vote forms. If you would like to vote in our Annual Meeting election of ILCNSCA Board members, become a member. ILCNSCA MembershipConsumer choice and control is also manifested by the voting membership electing the Board members of the organization. The Board is the legal entity responsible for the legal, planning, public relations and fiduciary requirements of the organization. The ILCNSCA Board hires the Executive Director. Voting and non-voting members are the supporters on the North Shore and Cape Ann for consumer control and independent living by persons with disabilities. Voting and non-voting members are the leaders for increasing accessibility under the Americans with Disabilities Act and the access regulations of the Commonwealth. Voting and nonvoting members are the collective voice of persons with disabilities on the North Shore and Cape Ann. You can be a member, voting or non-voting, of the ILCNSCA. You will receive our quarterly newsletter. You will receive special mailings regarding events/activities of interest to persons with disabilities and their supporters. You will receive announcements of special information sessions and political actions affecting the lives of persons with disabilities. You have access to our resource materials. Thank you for your support and participation! |
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