29th Annual ILCNSCA Legislative Breakfast with the Greater North Shore LINKAdvocacy: “One person can make a difference, and everyone should try” John Fitzgerald KennedyFriday, May 6, 2016 Salem Waterfront Hotel and Suites Dear Members and Supporters of ILCNSCA: The Independent Living Center of the North Shore and Cape Ann, Inc. (ILCNSCA) jointly with Greater North Shore Link (formerly the Aging and Disability Resource Consortium of the Greater North Shore, Inc.) cordially invites you to attend the ILCNSCA 29th Annual Legislative Breakfast. The Breakfast will be held on Friday, May 6, 2016 from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM. at the Salem Waterfront Hotel and Marina, Pickering Wharf, Salem MA. Registration begins at 8:30 AM. The theme this year is Advocacy: “One person can make a difference, and everyone should try” JFK. This annual event enables you to witness and honor those that you nominate for Independent Living awards, and it is an opportunity to hear what your municipal, state and federal government leaders from the North Shore and Cape Ann are doing to insure that social policy and resources for independent living services and supports are affordable, available, integrated and accessible by all. Please take a few moments to review the Award descriptions on the bottom of this page. We encourage you to RSVP and to nominate a person and/or company for one of the five Awards by completing the Award Nomination, located on the reverse side of the enclosed RSVP form. Please submit your Award Nomination and RSVP form to ILCNSCA by Friday, April 1, 2016 via USPS or via email to Smcduff@ilcnsca.org, noting ‘Legislative Breakfast RSVP/Nomination’ in the email subject. You can also RSVP and submit Award Nominations online below. Suggested donation for the event is $10.00 for persons with disabilities (and PCA) and $20 for all others. A continental breakfast will be served. This site is wheelchair accessible. CART and American Sign Language interpreters will be provided. We hope you will be able to join us at this annual event. Thank you. Sincerely, 2015 Legislative Breakfast Photos2014 Legislative Breakfast Photos 2013 Legislative Breakfast Photos 2012 Legislative Breakfast Photos 2011 Legislative Breakfast Photos 2015 Legislative Breakfast Handouts 2014 Legislative Breakfast Handouts
![]() Register for the Legislative BreakfastPlease note for all ILCNSCA events: If you require a communication accommodation please make your request a minimum of two weeks in advance of event. When attending any ILCNSCA event please refrain from wearing perfume, scents or scented clothing to accommodate persons with chemical sensitivities. ILCNSCA is partially funded by the City of Salem Department of Planning & Community Development and the U. S. Department of Housing & Urban Development. ILCNSCA does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, religion, familial status, sexual orientation or disability. ILCNSCA is an equal opportunity employer. Por mas information 978-741-0077 V, 978-745-1735 TTY. ![]() |
AwardsEvery year ILCNSCA recognizes outstanding achievement and contributions made by individuals and businesses making a difference in the lives of people living with disabilities. Please let us know of someone you feel deserves recognition! The Leavitt Award:This award is considered a lifetime achievement award. This award is given in memory of Bernice Leavitt, one of the Center's founders, to an individual with a disability who lives or works on the North Shore or Cape Ann, who by his/her actions and accomplishments, has done the most to promote the ideals of the Independent Living. The Adrien Award for Outstanding Advocacy:This award, named in honor of ILCNSCA Founder Gil Adrien, is given to an individual with a disability on the North Shore or Cape Ann who, by his/her actions and accomplishments, has done the most to promote the ideals of the Independent Living Philosophy. The nominee should be a dynamic advocate who lives or works on the North Shore, Cape Ann, or is a service recipient. The Nielsen Youth Leadership Award:This award, named in honor of ILCNSCA Founder Joan Nielsen, is given annually to a youth with a disability (under 25 years of age) who has done the most to promote Independent Living ideals on the North Shore or Cape Ann. This individual must possess strong leadership skills or potential, and live on the North Shore, Cape Ann, or be a service recipient. Distinguished Employer of the Year Award:This award is given annually to an employer who has done the most to promote independent living ideals through the employment of a cross-disability population on the North Shore and Cape Ann. Nominee(s) must employ and actively recruit individuals with all types of disabilities. Family Support Award:This award is given to recognize a person who provides support to a family member with a disability to attain or maintain a full, independent life. Family is defined as those chosen by the individual with the disability, either due to blood or relationship ties. To nominate an individual or employer, please use nomination form on reverse side of the RSVP form and submit with RVSP by April 1, 2015. You can also e-mail your award nomination and RSVP to Shawn McDuff at smcduff@ilcnsca.org. ILCNSCA and ADRC of GNS partner agency Board Members, staff, or any of their relatives are ineligible to receive awards. |
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